Contact us

Contact us

Contact us

It may take us a little while to respond to your messages.
The personal information you have registered will not be used for any other purposes other than for communication between EcoStudies and yourself.

Guide to Applications for Monitoring

■Those whose houses are in Kawauchi, please call Kawauchi Local Government Office 0240-38-2111. The office hour is from 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday.

■Those whose houses are in Naraha, please call Naraha Local Government Office 0240-23-6109. The office hour is from 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday.

■Those whose houses are neither in Kawauchi nor in Naraha, please call EcoStudies’ office 03-6441-0280. The office hour is from 10am to 4pm, Monday to Friday.

Please Fill each field

*Please choose one of the two in the following.
*Name of your institution.
(If you don’t belong to any institution, just write down “an individual”.)
(ex.) EcoStudies assn.
*Your Name
(ex.)Henri Becquerel
*Your telephone number
*Your e-mail address

*Your inquiry or message or comment